Portal Rasmi Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia - Portal Home

Bahagian Dasar dan Hubungan Antarabangsa. Penyelidikan and Sokongan Teknikal. Urusetia NIH National Institutes of Health. Bahagian Kawalselia Radiasi Perubatan. Bahagian Perolehan and Penswastaan. Bahagian Pembangunan Kesihatan Keluarga. Keselamatan and Kualiti Makanan. Bahagian Perancangan, Pembangunan Dasar dan Standard Codex. Bahagian Pematuhan dan Pembangunan Industri. Bahagian Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu. Bahagian Perubatan Tradisional and Komplementari. Bahagian Perkembangan and Amalan Farmasi.


The domain moh.gov.my currently has an average traffic ranking of fifteen thousand one hundred and thirty-nine (the smaller the more users). We have downloaded twenty-three pages within the site moh.gov.my and found five thousand three hundred and twenty-three websites interfacing with moh.gov.my. There is four public networking sites acquired by this website.
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The domain moh.gov.my has seen diverging amounts of traffic for the duration of the year. Markedly, the web site had a ranking today of fifteen thousand one hundred and thirty-nine.
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School is Cool !

Saturday, July 6, 2013. Sedar tidak sedar round Neurosurgery and Cardiothoracic surgery sudah ingin melabuhkan tirainya. Marilah menyusun kembali jejak jejak langkah menuju success .


5S BAHAGIAN PERKHIDMATAN FARMASI JKN SELANGOR. Gotong-royong bagi bulan Julai telah diadakan pada 12 Julai di Bahagian ini. Kolaborasi injeksi dan eliksir di kawasan tandas. Nantikan kemunculan Bahagian Perkhidmatan Farmasi yang berwajah baru tidak lama lagi! July 1, 2008. Dinding zon eliksir selepas dicat kuning. Ahli zon injeksi mengecat dinding.

Welcome to ABC Exhibition - The Southeast Asian Healthcare and Pharma show, 19th SOUTHEAST-ASIAN HEALTHCARE PHARMA SHOW 2016

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What do SERC do? Build strong linkages between the government and business community. Pursue the advancement of research and development in socio-economics. An independent centre to undertake research on socio-economic issues in Malaysia. SERC was established as an independent think-tank to carry out in-depth research on socio-economic issues that have an impact on the business community and general population at large.

Portal Rasmi Bahagian Akaun Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia - Laman Utama

Portal Rasmi Bahagian Akaun Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Number of Online Services Transaction. Recommendations of Corrective Actions For The Delay Payment. Performance of Bill Payment and Claims Report. Procedure for New Smartcard Application.

Association of Clinical Registries, Malaysia

REGISTER WITH US NOW! Welcome to Association of Clinical Registries, Malaysia. Registry databases include information concerning demographics, diagnosis, treatment history and outcomes. A variety of output can be generated from the information collected. Sign up as ACRM member today! .


Desktop Screenshot of moh.gov.my Mobile Screenshot of moh.gov.my Tablet Screenshot of moh.gov.my


I detected that a lone page on moh.gov.my took one thousand eight hundred and sixty milliseconds to stream. Our web crawlers could not find a SSL certificate, so our web crawlers consider this site not secure.
Load time
1.86 sec


We observed that this website is employing the Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) operating system.


Portal Rasmi Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia - Portal Home


Bahagian Dasar dan Hubungan Antarabangsa. Penyelidikan and Sokongan Teknikal. Urusetia NIH National Institutes of Health. Bahagian Kawalselia Radiasi Perubatan. Bahagian Perolehan and Penswastaan. Bahagian Pembangunan Kesihatan Keluarga. Keselamatan and Kualiti Makanan. Bahagian Perancangan, Pembangunan Dasar dan Standard Codex. Bahagian Pematuhan dan Pembangunan Industri. Bahagian Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu. Bahagian Perubatan Tradisional and Komplementari. Bahagian Perkembangan and Amalan Farmasi.


The domain moh.gov.my has the following on the site, "Urusetia NIH National Institutes of Health." I analyzed that the website also said " Bahagian Perancangan, Pembangunan Dasar dan Standard Codex." They also stated " Bahagian Pematuhan dan Pembangunan Industri. Bahagian Perubatan Tradisional and Komplementari. Bahagian Perkembangan and Amalan Farmasi."


البداية - Ministry of Health

استقبال سعادة وكيل الشؤون الصحية لرئيسة مؤسسة الامراض الخاصة الإيرانية. الصحة تنظم فعالية عن رعاية المسنين. وزارة الصحة تحتفل بافتتاح مركز حي الجامع الصحي بالسيب. اعلان نتائج المسح الوطني للتغذية. تدشين الحملة التوعوية المجتمعية حول مرض السل.

وزارة الصحة الفلسطينية

الهلال الإماراتي للنساء و التوليد. التنسيق مع المؤسسات غير الحكومية. الهلال الإماراتي للنساء و التوليد. مدير عام ديوان الوزير يتابع خطة العام 2018 مع موظفي الديوان. ناشد بتوفير خيوط العمليات وأدوية التخدير.

المملكة العربية السعودية - البوابة الإلكترونية لوزارة الصحة

خدمة التنبيه بمواعيد تطعيمات الأطفال. الاستعلام عن طلبات العلاج بالخارج. برنامج القوى العاملة الزائرة في الحج. خدمة الاستعلام عن المرشحين للحج.